Mobile Website Design - Tips from Google

Mobile web design is a must for a number of reasons, firstly your customers are using mobile devices like phones, tablets, laptops and even watches to view content on the internet. The figures are staggering and for most businesses the amount of mobile web traffic can account for over 50%. For website owners, these trends cannot be ignored or run the risk of your customers going to competitors.

Secondly, Google has really put its weight behind mobile responsive websites, so much so that websites that are set-up and use responsive techniques will rank higher than websites that are not. This stance has really driven a more user friendly experience and it has also pushed the web design industry in the right direction. 

In this short video from Google Webmasters on YouTube, you can understand the basics of mobile websites and the tools, insights and tests you can perform to make sure that a website is up-to-date and working as it should for your customers. 

If you would like to know more you can contact our web design company at any stage, we are located in Dublin, Ireland and we are happy to advise on how well your website performs on mobile devices.