Web Design Prices – How our agency prices web design and development

website design prices

The first question on the mind of a client who wants to get a new website built is usually "how much does it cost?" From a web agencies point of view, this is a very hard answer to give, without fully understanding the amount of work involved. As with many services, the real cost in labour and this really dictates the overall price a website should be. So how does our web design agency price particular jobs that come into us?

Website Structure

The first thing we do is to look at the website structure, is it a one page scrolling website or is it hierarchical structure hundreds of webpages deep? Once established we have established this with the client, we have a good foundation for the pricing structure of the website design. 

Website Content

After outlining the basic structure we move towards the content, now this element can really cause creep in a web design price. Clients that have already put a lot of thought into the written content and have mapped out what they want to say are in a much better position when it comes to pricing. As you can imagine, if a client approaches us with little or no written content the project will creep and creep until that content is written by the client or a content writer. Creep in projects lead to expense and this in turn inflates the potential cost of a website. 

Website Imagery

High resolution photographs are great but not everyone has the photographs they would like on their website. In that case we are left with a few options. Hire a photographer for the day, have the web agency design custom graphics or buy stock imagery. As most web design agencies, we would always recommend a mixture between real photography and custom graphics but these cost money to produce. Of course if the client is trying to keep the cost of the website down, stock imagery can do the trick. 

Urgency to go Live

This is a factor for most web agencies, if a client calls you on Monday morning and says I need a website live within a week, while most agencies would not be able to handle such a request, our website design agency can pull together a few developers and designers. But this comes at a cost, taking people off existing projects and having them work long hours to meet the request of the urgent project costs money. On the other hand, if a client is ultra-efficient and has all the content and a brief structural outline, these projects can run smoothly.

How our web agency prices a website design

Well we look at all the factors above, we advise the client on how to reduce the cost and add up the man hours involved.  On average a website design will take around 20 working days to complete and this is usually dictates the price. If you would like to know more about our website pricing structure, please get in contact with our web agency at any stage.