Responsive Web Design Service

Responsive web design is all about providing a better user experience for people who visit your website and our web design company in Dublin build all our websites to be responsive. In the past most websites failed to adjust to the trends in mobile web design. Over the past ten years viewing the internet has moved from desktop computers to laptops, smartphones, tablets and now in some cases, watches. The idea behind responsive web design is to help users enjoy the experience on your website, no matter what device they are using.

Take this website as an example, you can adjust the screen size by minimizing the window and re-sizing it to whatever shape you like. You will notice that all the items on the page rearrange and re-size themselves to fit the size of the window you choose, and in a way that helps viewing.

Mobile website design is important for a couple of main reasons. On one hand, you have your website users or customers and the experience they are having. We all know, providing bad service to customers will be detrimental to your business and this is the main reason we only build websites that are fully mobile responsive.

On the other hand you have the search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Recently they have advised website owners to upgrade non-responsive websites to responsive websites or run the risk of being penalized. This as we know means a drop off in ranking and losing the valued position you once had. For people who have a website and do not know if the website is responsive,they can always go to Googles Webmasters Mobile Guide and run the test.  Take these two market forces together and all of a sudden customers are dropping like flies. If you’re looking for responsive web design in Dublin, drop our website design and development company a line now!