Website design and website development tools for mobile responsive websites
Are you a small to medium sized business and is your website design ready for mobile devices? If not, take note and act soon. Google has spent a lot of time and resources advertising why website design and website development should be mobile friendly and it is no secret they intend to punish website designs that do not provide a good user experience. Google provide a number of tips and insights for website designers and website developers. Most of these tips are located on the Google Webmasters YouTube Channel. The first video in the series explains the three main tools for checking if your website design is mobile friendly.
1. Mobile Friendly Test
2. Mobile Usability Tool
3. Page Speed Insights
The first is the mobile friendly tool, located in Googles Developers Website. We discussed using this tool in the past for good website design along with how and why your website design and website development should be responsive. The second tool is located inside the website owners or website developers search console. For those of you who are not website designers or website developers, the search console is a platform to help users identify any errors on a website. To access this platform, go to the official Search Console Website and attach your website using a tag or identifier. It is pretty simple to do yourself but asking a website developer or a website designer might help. The third tool is Page Speed Insights and it is located on the Google Developers Website. This looks at the speed your website loads on desktop and mobile devices. It is also very useful for website developers because it identifies who to fix particular errors a website page might have. BigNet Design - web design Dublin provide a full website design and website development service. If you are experiencing any issues with your sites mobility, please feel free to contact us in Dublin at any stage 01 662 9398