Web Design - Integrating LinkedIn

Web Design Agency Dublin

When considering embarking on a new website design and development, it is wise to integrate all the main Social Media platforms. The reason for this is to diversify your online communication channels and build your brand from as many directions as possible. Not all people will use the same Social Media platforms and some will use none, but in order to gain as much reach as possible, it is good practice to set-up and integrate, the four main platforms into your new website. 

In previous posts we looked at how to integrate Twitter and Facebook, so in this post we can consider one of the other major Social Media platforms called LinkedIn. For people who have not come across of LinkedIn, it is a platform that allows people to upload their professional CV and network with others across the globe. The platform itself is a fantastic idea and it has seen phenomenal growth over the past ten years. 

In order to integrate this platform into a website, a user must first set up a personal profile. In short this is like writing a CV. After the person has created a personal profile they have an option to create a company profile. It is this company profile that will be connected to the new website. When our web agency is creating a website for our clients, we set-up and design the four main Social Media platforms as standard and this includes LinkedIn. 

So after the LinkedIn company profile is complete it is time to link it to the website. This is usually done by placing a social icon on a website with an embedded link. When we link Social Media platforms to the websites we build, we go the extra mile and connect the social accounts. This means when one of our clients does a blog or shares some news on their website, that information will automatically push through to all the Social Media platforms. This saves our clients hours of time, posting to each individual platform. So think as Social Media platforms as a channel to reach potential customers and build your brand. LinkedIn as a Social Media platform that will help users network and drive more traffic to your website and this in turn will result in more customers. 

Our web design company in Dublin provide a complete website design and development service and we make sure each and every website we build is connected to the main Social Media platforms. If you would like to discuss an up and coming website design, please be sure to get in contact with us at any stage.